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Corydon Divorce Lawyer

Trust Our Corydon, IN, Divorce Attorneys to Protect Your Rights

When you are going through a divorce, our Corydon divorce lawyers understand that it can feel like the entire world is working against you. Your soon-to-be-ex-spouse may be accusing you of things that are impossible to believe. Friends may start treating you differently, especially if your spouse is spreading exaggerations about your behavior. You may be struggling to find a new place to live.

No one should have to try to go through a divorce like this by themselves. You need support legally, but you also need to feel like someone is in your corner. That’s exactly what our Corydon divorce lawyer will do. Trust the team at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law to represent you with skill, compassion and a focus on protecting your best interests. Our Corydon divorce attorney will not back down during contentious divorce negotiations and hearings, making sure that we do everything we can to protect your rights and to help you have the best chance of working toward the solution you want to see.

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Why Our Divorce Lawyer in Corydon, IN, Is Your Best Choice

Trust Our Corydon Divorce Attorney to Use Our Experience to Your Benefit

Our team of Corydon, IN, divorce attorneys collectively has several decades of experience representing our clients in multiple legal areas, including divorce. Regardless of why clients come to us, we always focus on listening to their needs and then always working toward meeting those needs. We take pride in our ability to keep our clients informed about the progress of their case at every step along the way. We never want you to be wondering or guessing about the status of your case. Our Corydon divorce lawyer will discuss strategies with you, so all of us are always on the same page.

Attorney Dana Eberle often is our lead attorney in family law and divorce cases. She knows the importance of helping couples and families work through the divorce process as successfully as possible, always aiming toward the best solution for the children involved. She knows the stress and sense of loss that can occur during a divorce. By handling the legal aspects for you as thoroughly as possible, Ms. Eberle and our entire team at CLLB Law will do everything we can to reduce your stress level as you go through your divorce, so you can focus on the other aspects of your life.

When you are ready to discuss exactly how our Corydon divorce lawyer can represent you, call us at 812-725-8224 as soon as possible. We promise to listen to you, so we know how to craft the best possible strategy in your case.

Areas Where Our Corydon Divorce Lawyer Can Help With Your Case

When you are going through a divorce, you may primarily focus on one particular area of the proceedings, such as where your children will be living or whether you will be able to keep your house. This is understandable. Our divorce lawyers in Corydon, IN, know that we need to focus quite a bit of our effort in representing your interests on the areas of your divorce outcome that are most important to you.

However, we also know that we cannot ignore the other aspects of the overall divorce process. Our divorce lawyer in Corydon, IN, delivers all-around representation for you, finding the perfect balance in how we emphasize the areas of the divorce that are most important for you without losing focus on the other areas. Some of the areas in which we will give you strong representation include the following.

Understanding Distribution of Assets in Indiana

Indiana Statute § 31-15-7-5 discusses the distribution of assets during divorce proceedings in the state. The court expects that most divorcing couples will be dividing the assets equally, to create the fairest situation. This does not mean that you must sell everything you own and then split the proceeds equally. Instead, you can make trade-offs, so you each end up with property that has a nearly equal value. For example, if you have a specific property item that you would like to keep in the divorce, it is important for our Corydon divorce attorney to know this. We then can craft our negotiating strategy to offer to give your spouse another piece of property that is of a nearly equal value.

Additionally, our Corydon divorce lawyer knows that the state statute allows for a few situations where an equal distribution is not proper. This means that we can work toward collecting facts that show why you should have a greater share of the property. Such factors may include:

  • The contribution of each spouse toward the accumulation of the property
  • Whether one spouse brought specific property items into the marriage
  • Whether one spouse will have primary custody of the children and wants to remain in the family home
  • The earning ability of each spouse after the divorce.

Our Divorce Lawyers in Corydon, IN, Can Help with the Child Support Determination

Even though the state uses specific guidelines in determining child support in Indiana, there are certain situations where the court allows the divorcing couple to move away from the guidelines. Our Corydon divorce lawyer knows that you want the best for your children, but that you also want to be certain that the funds you are paying in child support are directly going to the well-being of the kids. This is a tricky situation that can be tough to discuss in a civil manner with your ex-spouse, but trust that we can use our experience in cases like yours to attempt to come to a settlement that gives the kids the financial support they need.

Ultimately, two primary factors will play a key role in determining child support payments.

  • When one spouse earns more money than the other spouse, that spouse may end up paying child support.
  • If the children will be living primarily with one parent, the other parent likely will pay child support.

Our divorce lawyer in Corydon, IN, knows that child support payments are expensive. It can be frustrating to have to turn over such a large amount of your income for child support, especially if you suffer a change in your income from a cutback in hours or a similar situation. We work hard to present facts that show the court why your situation may not warrant the awarding of the typical child support payment amount.

Our Corydon Divorce Lawyer Will Help with Determining Spousal Maintenance Payments, Too

Spousal maintenance is another area that often results in disputes during divorce negotiations. The court will look at a number of factors when attempting to determine whether a projected spousal maintenance payment is truly fair to both parties, such as:

  • The potential earning power of each spouse after the divorce
  • The amount of property each spouse will be receiving in the divorce
  • Whether one spouse will need training to return to the workforce
  • Whether one spouse supported the other spouse’s educational costs
  • Whether one spouse will be caring for a child with physical or mental incapacities.

Both spouses will need to submit financial disclosure forms that show the potential for income they will have after the divorce. Both parties must be completely truthful in these documents, ensuring that neither side is trying to hide income to change the potential amount awarded in spousal maintenance. If you believe that your ex-spouse is hiding funds or is lying on forms in an effort to force you to pay a greater amount in spousal maintenance than you should, our Corydon divorce lawyer knows how to dig through the facts in the case to find the truth. We will do everything we can to make sure that your spouse is following the law in Indiana regarding financial disclosure.

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Our Corydon Divorce Lawyers Will Tailor Our Strategy to Meet Your Needs

Throughout our many years of representing clients going through a divorce, the Corydon divorce attorneys at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law know that a one-size-fits-all strategy is not the best way for us to represent you. We take the time to listen to you. We need to know exactly what you want to see from the divorce proceedings, so we can create a strategy that works toward that desired ending. You may want to keep a classic car, to keep certain pieces of furniture, or to receive pet custody in the divorce.

Our divorce lawyers in Corydon, IN, will certainly borrow from past strategies we used to help our clients have success, but we will adjust those strategies to fit your precise needs. We know that every case has unique aspects to it, and we tailor our representation of you to reflect those aspects.

It may be surprising to learn that the majority of divorce cases never end up going through a formal litigation process in court. In most divorce situations, the two sides come to a negotiated agreement that they then take to the court for approval.

You need a highly experienced team of negotiators on your side to give you the best chance of trying to win the divorce settlement you are seeking. For a discussion of your case, reach out to CLLB Law at 812-725-8224 today.